Nutcracker Celebration

Willam, Harold, & Lew Christensen learned to dance in Brigham City at the Box Elder Academy of Music and Dance, built in 1903. They transformed dance in the American West and  helped develop three renowned ballet companies - Ballet West, The Portland Ballet, and The San Francisco Ballet.

On Christmas Eve, 1944, Willam Christensen directed the the first full-length production of the Nutcracker in America, at San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House. It was an instant sensation and launched the Nutcracker Ballet as a national tradition!

Visit us as we celebrate the 79th anniversary of the first Nutcracker Ballet, which had its founding in Historic Downtown Brigham City. Come see the Nutcrackers on display in our unique retail stores on Main Street.

The Nutcracker Celebration begins on November 17th, 2022 during our monthly 3rd Friday LIVE! event. We're planning live music, and real-life ballet dancers in the window displays. New this year is the Nutcracker Stroll among participating  Main Street merchants. 


artisan breads baked locally


The Nutcracker Festival starts on the 3rd Friday of November. This year's festival starts early, November 17th, 2023,  with a downtown open house including live music, in-store activities, and the lighting of the Merchant window displays.
Of special note are the live Ballerina's found dancing in the windows of a few select merchants. You'll know which ones by the traffic jam out front!
A large nutcracker statue in a living room


Each year our amazing local businesses put on an astonishing assortment of window displays, highlighting all things related to the Nutcracker Ballet. The emphasis changes each year as do the participants. We've seen some amazing handcrafted Nutcracker Soldiers, stunning window displays, and wonderful lighting.
Please join our unique celebration!

A group of young women are dancing on a stage.


Your Christmas season will not be complete unless you see the Nutcracker Ballet.  We are pleased to announce that Full Circle Dance Company is producing The Nutcracker on December 15 at the Box Elder High School.
Tickets are available online at the following URL:
We can't wait to see this years new choreography, costumes and dancers!

America’s First Nutcracker

In 1944, critics were stunned when Willam Christensen staged the first full-length Nutcracker Ballet in America. Of this performance the Sacramento Union reported “We can’t understand why a vehicle of such fantastic beauty and originality would not be produced in its entirety in this country until now." 

It was produced on a shoestring budget, but captivated the entire nation and endures as a favorite Christmas Holiday tradition.

Original Choreography: Willam Christensen
Original Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Visit Brigham City's historic district from November 16 - December 31 and discover a delightful Nutcracker themed downtown with wonderful shops and outstanding restaurants, all arrayed in their best Nutcracker attire! 

Follow one of the links above to begin your discovery of this delightful downtown or simply take any of the exits off I-15 and drive a few short minutes to Main Street.
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